Friday, November 3, 2023

How could I forget about you? (Writers of the Lost Ark)

 Holy Wow. How wonderful to receive the sunshine of this blog after so many years away. So many years away I actually forgot it was here.  

And yet, here it is, waiting, unchanged. 

What else have I forgotten that is still here, loyal and waiting? All the little gifts, written and otherwise, I've left for my future and now self as a reminder that my heart still recognizes the light. That these are the welcoming arms. 

I didn't go looking for this blog; I highlighted a dead link while editing an old template buried in the cavernous tunnels of infinitely spliced randemonium...certainly I wasn't searching for the lost ark.  And yet isn't that how it is when we write? How openings and portals and answers and old friends and love appear out of nowhere and once opened, how they shine up, even the darkness?

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